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Saturday 22 September 2012

Info Post

Name of Trip: My Mindanao Family Affair 2010
Date: May 22 - 27, 2010
Destination: General Santos City, Sarangani Province & Davao city
Travel via: Air (Philippine Airlines & Cebu Pacific), Land (van, tricycle, bus)

Me @ Boracay of the South: Gumasa, Sarangani Province! :)

Why unexpected? Because we thought that the event will be just a gathering of relatives to my aunt's house in Balite-Lagao, General Santos City until one of my cousins suggested to have an outing along the city. I remembered immediately before I left Manila that I should visit Gumasa in Glan, Sarangani Province. It was featured on many blogs, newspapers and even in television shows that Gumasa tagged as the "Boracay" of the South. As we all know, Boracay boasts its white sand beach which it was also similar to Gumasa. 

I suggested to them the place, but they decided to have it in the city. But after some convincing factor of my nieces and nephews, we ended going to Gumasa. A big thanks to them! :)

all aboard!


all complete!

This town is located on the west of Sarangani Bay, on the north by the town of Malapatan, Sarangani Province and Davao Del Sur and on the south by the Celebes Sea. Travel time from General Santos City to this town was approximately 1 hour passing the towns of Alabel (the capital of Sarangani) and Malapatan. Roads were relatively smooth. A big thanks to the Congressman Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao for the assistance regarding his road project along the province. It was a big help to boost tourism since it has a big potential particularly to the economy of Sarangani Province.

Map of Glan, Sarangani Province. Source: Wikipedia

One of my nephew suggested a place in Gumasa which was a newly opened resort. But the challenge for us was on how to reach that place. After series of questions from the local, we reached to Isla Jardin Del Mar Beach Resort

Welcome to Isla Jardin!

great resort!

love it!

good sunny weather

I think it's high tide eh?

more walk

Small waves

As we arrived to this place, I am impressed especially the beauty of this place. I told them that it will be a sure hit because of the potential for tourism. Actually I saw some foreigners walked along the coastline in which it was ironic due to some warnings that they imposed on Mindanao on that year. The moment we arrived this place, I explored the resort and took some photos. 

my nephew

picture of me


nice resort

group picture

great shot!

my nieces




driver? lol

Good thing that the resort allowed food so we brought barbecued pork, chicken, tuna (my favorite) and many more. We started at 1PM and all were in one cottage. We enjoyed the food! :)

happy eating!

enjoy your meal

one cottage fits all! :)

We rested a bit and after that, we headed to the beach. The water was very clear and I enjoyed swimming and the sand was also fine. I joined my nephews and nieces in swimming and we went on the rocky portion to check the waves that hit to those rocks.

picture with my nieces

one more time! :)

swimming at the rock formation

they love to do peace sign...

my solo pic 

me and my niece chasing the waves

survivor? :)

footprints in the sand

We ended our outing at 4PM since my aunt wanted to be in General Santos by evening and our travel time was also considered. We went to the shower room and changed clothes. We left the resort at 5PM.

my uncle and aunt

the "Sharon-Gabby" love team of Gen San! :)

packed up

ready to go back to Gen San

checking things

reminder from the resort

me also ready! :)

On our way to Gen San (short for General Santos City), we passed already this view along the Sarangani Bay and I suggested to stop and took some photos and gladly they did. Thanks to them for allowing me to took photos! It was such as great view! :)


great sunset view

my solo pic

We arrived to Gen San by 6:30PM. It was great family outing and take note, it was unexpected event not only for me but for the rest. I ranked Gumasa as one of the best beaches I have been in the country. Thank you for the experience and hoping to be back soon! :)

How to get there:

By car/van - once you reach General Santos, if you are coming from Davao, you will not be going to the city proper anymore since there was a separate road along Lagao that leads to Alabel, Sarangani. If you are coming from South Cotabato or Sultan Kudarat, you will pass the downtown first and turn right going to Alabel. Straight drive and you will reach Glan after an hour. Along the highway, there were several resorts to choose from but make sure that are in Gumasa to experience white sand beach. :)

By commute - Once you are in General Santos, there were jeepneys and van going to Glan. Ask the driver to drop you off to Gumasa or ask locals the name of the resort that you will be heading and they will drop you off there. Fare ranges from 60 to 100 pesos (PHP).

More information about Gumasa, Glan, Sarangani Province below:

Glan, Sarangani government website

List of Hotels and Resorts in Gen San and Sarangani -

Isla Jardin del Mar Beach Resort -

Daghang Salamat Gumasa! :)


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